Siopaella Designer Exchange Introduces...

In Siopaella Designer Exchange - We Buy Your Bags DONT USE 0 comment

Hi everyone, my name is Rachel Farrell and I'm the new guest blogger for the Siopaella Designer Exchange blog this Summer. I'm a 17 year old fashion-loving blogger over at Oh Hey There Rachel, and I'm so excited to be posting here this Summer! I started my blog over 2 years ago and I love it- it's the perfect outlet for me to express my love for all things style and beauty. I'm also a self confessed nail art and Downton Abbey addict! Since starting my blog I've been to London Fashion Week and spoken at Ireland's first ever Blogger Conference, and I'm so grateful for all the things that come my way.

siopaella designer exchange introduces...

I'm here with Siopaella to learn more about the fashion industry. It's great experience for me to learn more about styling, buying and sales, and its allowing me to dip my toes into different parts of the industry. I first discovered Siopaella a few years back, and since then it's become one of my favorite shops. Hence why I'm  so excited to be part of the team this Summer!

- Rachel Farrell x

twitter: @ohheythererach

instagram: @ohheythererachel


siopaella designer exchange introduces...

Siopaella Designer Exchange






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Siopaella Designer Exchange

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8 Cecilia Street

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